The Student Publications Legacy Fund supports the general operations of WKU Student Publications and its four student-led divisions — the College Heights Herald, the Talisman, Student Publications Advertising and Cherry Creative — and is our area of greatest need.
• The Student Publications Legacy Fund is a non-endowed fund held in the WKU Foundation and is used only to benefit WKU Student Publications. It cannot be appropriated by the university for use outside Student Publications.
• As a non-endowed fund, amounts donated can be expended on an as-needed basis. The fund is not invested and does not earn interest.
• Money in the fund is available to the Director of Student Publications, who can use money in the fund for a variety of ongoing needs not covered by university-provided budgets or revenues generated, such as:
•• Technology, hardware and software.
•• Multimedia equipment.
•• Training.
•• Vehicle costs.
•• Publication operating costs not otherwise covered.
•• Stipends paid directly to students.
• A gift outright of cash in a one-time payment.
• A pledge of a certain amount paid in weekly, monthly or quarterly installments over a specified period of up to five years.
• Assignment of real property to be converted to cash.
• Assignment of stock to be converted to cash.
• A provision for a certain amount or a percentage of your estate through your will or trust or by beneficiary designation for a retirement plan or life insurance policy.
Or reach out to Chuck Clark, director, at 270-745-4206, 270-996-7077 or [email protected]