The Student Publications Fellowship Fund supports internship experiences in professional organizations for promising students working in the four student-led areas of WKU Student Publications — the College Heights Herald, the Talisman, Student Publications Advertising and Cherry Creative.
Donations to the Fellowship Fund are combined with contributions from professional partners and annual proceeds from the Charles Mason Ralph Endowment to generate more than $50,000 per year to fund 10 or more fellowships each summer.
The Student Publications Fellowship Fund is a non-endowed fund held in the WKU Foundation and is used only to support a number of internship experiences each summer.
Students working in any of our four student-led areas at WKU Student Publications are eligible to apply for available fellowships.
Fellowship finalists are interviewed by our professional partners and selections are made by the director of Student Publications in consultation with each partner.
Each payment is made directly to the student as a stipend to defray the expenses of an educational experience, meaning the students benefits from the full amount of each stipend.
A standard stipend is $3,500 for a 10-week fellowship, although partners may increase that term and payment at their discretion.
You can find information about our 2021 Student Publications Fellows at this link.
• A gift outright of cash in a one-time payment.
• A pledge of a certain amount paid in weekly, monthly or quarterly installments over a specified period up to five years.
• Assignment of real property to be converted to cash.
• Assignment of stock to be converted to cash.
• A provision for a certain amount or a percentage of your estate through your will or trust or by beneficiary designation for a retirement plan or life insurance policy.
• People making contributions to our annual membership program may designate their donations for the Student Publications Fellowship Fund.
Or reach out to Chuck Clark, director, at 270-745-4206, 270-996-7077 or [email protected]